
Our Expertise - Building Physics and Low-Energy Buildings

We focus on what we know best: Building physics and optimization of building energy performances. Our key competence is industrial and commercial buildings. Moreover, we have expertise in retrofitting solutions. Developing cost-effective low-carbon solutions is our particular concern.

Optimization of Floor Slab Insulation for Hall Buildings

Heat energy losses via large slabs on grade are often overrated when standard methods for energy assessment are used. Thus, in many cases horizontal slab insulation is prefered, even if vertical perimeter insulation would be sufficient or even more effective. Mainly for industrial buildings and warehouses, savings by an optimized perimeter insulation can be significant.
We use transient finite difference models to evaluate, which slab insulation is best for your building. Learn more about how to save energy, costs and carbon emissions with optimized slab insulation.

Transient Building Simulation (Energy Demand, Temperature)

Transient building energy simulation can be used to evaluate dynamic effects, such as daily temperature fluctuation very precisely. Thus, summer overheating can be prevented during early design stages and cooling demand can be reduced.

Moreover, the utilization of renewable energy for heating and cooling can be optimized significantly, as the dynamic availability of renewables can be evaluated more precisely than with static methods. Therefore, carbon emission can be saved, discomfort hours can be reduced and energy costs for space heating and cooling can usually be reduced with transient simulation methods.

German Energy Performance Certificate & Incentives

Local building energy regulations got more and more complex in recent years. However, incentives for low-energy standards were increased significantly in Germany. Incentives of more than 20% are possible for new low-energy buildings. For retrofitting with low-energy standards, up to 50% are granted in Germany. We can guide you through the local regulations  (e.g. Gebäudeenergiegesetz) in Germany and can support you with applying for incentives at KfW-Bankengruppe.

We are registered as local experts at the German Energy Agency (DENA). We can offer you to conduct the relevant energy balance calculations according to DIN V 18599.

Retrofitting and Hygrothermal Analysis

Retrofitting is always a challenge when low-energy standards shall be met.

We can support you with these services:

  • Thermal bridge simulation
  • Transient hygrothermal simulation of building components
  • Thermal analysis of buildings using thermal imaging and moisture measurement
  • Simulation of interior insulation
  • Concepts for energy-efficient retrofitting
  • energy performance calculations and certification for existing buildings

Building Physics for Local Climate

Optimum solutions in therms of energy performance and prevention of moisture damages are highly depend on the local climate. Transfering building methods from one climate to another can have serious consequences. Increased space heating and cooling energy demand, summer overheating and moisture damages are typical examples for missing adaption for local climate.

We have many years of experience in local climate adaption for buildings. You can benefit from our experience with projects in different climate zones from Siberia to Africa. Building physics design for buildings in non-european countries is a pleasure for us.

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